TL;DR: As of Oct. 14, you can get the 2023 All-In-One YouTube Masterclass Bundle for just $48.96 instead of $2,400 — that’s a 97% discount.
Say what you want about the Minecraft-playing YouTube star, Dream, but everyone can learn a thing or two about how he made his face reveal the talk of the town. He managed to make a spectacle of his « unmasking, » with everyone and their mother sharing their reactions and making memes out of the much-awaited « event ». The resulting engagement is a YouTuber’s dream, amassing over 20 million views in less than a day. Even those not in tune with the gaming world knew what was up.
Successful content creators like Dream don’t blow up like that overnight. If you have hopes of growing a YouTube empire, you need to pick a niche, create exciting content, understand what your audience wants, and continually optimize your channel. It’s easier said than done, of course, and this 2023 YouTube Masterclass Bundle offers expert-led guidance on how to make it big on the platform. For a limited time, you can get it on sale for less than $5 per course.
Being a YouTuber is one thing, but being a YouTuber with a considerable audience you can monetize is another ball game. With the help of experts like Dan Britain of The YouTube Academy and award-winning business school professor Chris Haroun, this 12-part bundle indoctrinates you into the wonderful and complex world of YouTube content creation. You’ll know what makes your audience tick, what sort of videos tend to be hit with the masses, how to build a channel from the ground up, and how to get your videos watched by as many pairs of eyes as possible.
What’s great about these courses is they can be accessed pretty much anytime, anywhere, using any device. This way, you won’t feel any pressure to finish them, and you can take them at your own pace, at your own time.
Formerly retailing for $2400, the 2023 All-In-One YouTube Masterclass Bundle is on sale for $48.96 for a limited time, or less than $5 per course.
Prices subject to change.