By Shina Abubakar

OSOGBO — Former governor of Osun State, Mr Adegboyega Oyetola, yesterday, accused his successor, Governor Ademola Adeleke of declining to meet with the hand-over team of his administration.

Adeleke had set up a transition committee to interface with the Oyetola-led administration, but the committee headed by Dr. Muyiwa Oladimeji alleged that the Oyetola team did not co-operate with it.

But Oyetola, through his spokesman, Ismail Omipidan, said a team headed by the Chief of Staff to the former governor, Dr. Charles Akinola had written to Adeleke’s team seeking to meet them but the team declined.

Adeleke refused to meet us

Omipidan disclosed that the team set up by former Governor Oyetola sought to meet with the transition committee of Governor Adeleke on November 23, but the team instructed that the team should hand over to the most senior civil servant in service.

A letter, dated November 27 and addressed to Governor Adeleke, titled ‘Presentation of hand-over report’, signed by the former Secretary to the State Government, Oluwole Oyebamiji, reads: “I bring you warm greetings from the Government and the good people of Osun.

“Furtherance to my correspondence dated November 23rd 2022 and referenced SSG.165/Vol.IV/757, I write to inform you that the Government Transition Committee is constituted by His Excellency. Governor Adegboyega Oyetola has concluded the compilation of a comprehensive Hand-Over Report to facilitate a smooth transition of the incoming Administration.

“Consequently, kindly find attached, a copy of the Report for your information and further necessary action.

“Please accept the best wishes and warm regards of Mr Governor.”

They’re jokers- Adeleke’s Transition C’ttee chair

However, Chairman, Governor Adeleke’s Transition Committee, Dr. Muyiwa Oladimeji described Oyetola as a joker, saying the administration refused to respond to the letter written to them for over two months.

Oladimeji said: “They are jokers. We wrote to them over two months ago that we should meet but there was no reply and then on Friday, the weekend they were to go, they told us that they will meet us by 2 p.m.

“How does a transition committee meet by 2 p.m, exchange documents and ask questions? We told them that it is a handover note, hence, they should drop it with the most senior civil servants.”

Return govt properties within 48 hours, gov orders Oyetola’s aides

Meanwhile, the state government has ordered former appointed officials of Oyetola to return government properties in their possession within 48 hours.

Governor Adeleke, in a statement by his spokesperson, Olawale Rasheed, disclosed that the directive was sequel to the large-scale diversion of government assets by top officials of the immediate past administration.

The statement reads: “Several official vehicles are missing, while official records indicated that two third of former state officials left with a fleet of cars in their office. Any former official, who refuses to comply with the directive, will face the full weight of the law.”

You appear uncoordinated, APC tells Osun govt

But in a swift response, the All Progressives Congress, APC, in Osun State asked the PDP-led government to be specific about its allegations of asset stripping, so, he knows what he is responding to.

The APC Director of Operations, Sunday Akere said: “You set up a panel on this same asset matter yesterday. Is it that another committee has been set up in the office of the Governor? They should be specific and we will respond appropriately.”

Osun Assembly orders status quo on LG administration

Following the Executive Orders of local government administrations, the Osun State House of Assembly, yesterday, insisted that the status quo be maintained on the issue. 

The Speaker, in a statement by his Press Secretary, Mr Kunle Alabi, held that the position of the House of Assembly was purely from the point of law and not in any way antagonising the executive arm of government.

The statement reads: “On the issue of LG administration, Mr Owoeye informed the plenary of a notice of appeal against the decision of a Federal High Court judgment served on the 7th Assembly.

“The House, thereby, resolves that the issue of Local Government administration should be left to the court of law, ordering a status quo on all Local Government administration pending the exhaustion of all legal means.”


Meanwhile, the Traditional Religion Worshippers in Osun State, TRAWSO, yesterday, urged the Governor to be fair to all religious groups in the state, praying that his reign will witness peace and harmony in the state.

The traditionalists, in a statement by its Chairman, Dr Oluseyi Atanda said: “It is our prayer that your tenure will have religious harmony, tolerance of one and other and above all demonstration of equity and fairness to all. 

“Our advice is for you to continue with the good works of the previous administrations, review and consult widely on other areas before modification. 

“The name IMOLE must manifest and your Ori shall guide you to beam the searchlight and find the right path always.”

’Some people thinking 

you’ll fail’

Similarly, a renowned clergyman, Apostle Lawrence Bamilaw, yesterday, warned Governor Adeleke to be focused on delivering good governance to the populace as some people are expecting him to fail.

Bamilaw, who spoke with newsmen, said: “Governor Adeleke needs to surprise the opposition and his supporters with his performance if he wants to have a head way in governance. 

“Nobody thought he could be Governor of the state; therefore, he should try to surprise the Osun people with quality performance. Because some people said you cannot perform, you have to surprise them. Focus on your agenda, as the expectation is much.”

The post Adeleke, Oyetola quarrel afresh on handover procedure appeared first on Vanguard News.