Unstable Topics: Thanks(mis)givings Conversation Cards on a Thanksgiving table.

TL;DR: As of Nov. 2, you can get the Unstable Topics: Thanks(mis)givings Conversation Cards for just $35 and get 25% off and free shipping when you download the JokeTown Citizen Card, a completely free membership.*

There’s the Norman Rockwell vision of Thanksgiving, filled with family, appreciation, and seasonal warmth and goodwill. Then…there’s the Thanksgiving most of us actually live through. The one packed with chaos, feuds, anxiety, and extreme unease. Eventually, there’s that dreaded moment when you look across the table at the cousin you haven’t seen since last Thanksgiving and can’t think of one single thing to say.

So instead of living in the fantasy of a perfect family, turn into the skid and make this Thanksgiving actually fun with a set of Unstable Topics: Thanks(mis)givings Conversation Cards deployed across your holiday table.

The premise is simple: just deal out one of these small cards to every seat at your Thanksgiving feast, then have each person read their card, one by one. Each card engages the table with a fun Thanksgiving fact, followed by an intriguing conversation starter that’s all but guaranteed to spark lively talk as you pass the potatoes and cranberry sauce.

For example, you might get a card explaining that the first NFL game played on Thanksgiving occurred in 1920. Then, the reader is asked to react by asking who at the table will be using ‘the big game’ to avoid authentic human connection. It isn’t hard to see how a round of fun, silly questions like these is bound to loosen everybody up, get conversation hopping, and generally make some hilarious holiday memories at the same time. 

And yes, these cards are actually funny. The set was created by best friends Sarah Adams and Maggie Rieth Austin, who teamed up to form the comedy duo The Monthly Junk a decade ago, writing, producing, and performing both on stage and online. 

Take a big swing, and pretty much guarantee a 2,000% increase in fun this Thanksgiving with a set of Unstable Topics: Thanks(mis)givings Conversation Cards. You can even save a few bucks for extra yams and get 25% off and free shipping when you download the JokeTown Citizen Card, a completely free membership.*

*After you download your card and digital wallet, you will receive an email with a link to get 25% off plus free shipping on Thanks(mis)givings.

Prices subject to change.