illustration of twitter with screenshot of tweet

It’s been a weird week for Twitter. Elon Musk, now officially at the helm of the social platform, carried out mass layoffs that will forever change the site.

Point blank: Twitter will never be the same. Not only has Musk has promised changes that will upend the way it operates — paywalled video, verification purchases, etc. — but now the company is a shell of its former self. Whatever Twitter was (good and bad) cannot survive.

Anyway. For now we have some good tweets during Twitter’s weirdest, worst week. These tweets include some good ones from former Twitter employees, because through it all, they kept posting memes. Just as Twitter should be.

1. An obligatory dril tweet about Twitter news to start us off.

2. Just a quite interesting thought from a former Twitter employee.

3. Swifties across the country are getting to work fundraising for the new tour.

4. Cannot believe this mad genius really figured it out.

5. Yes, this is how I live. No living being can stop me from posting. Delete Twitter? I will simply post in my head.

6. Just so many curios in my spot, my bad.

7. « And also a house » got me.

8. This goes without saying…

9. And a good tweet from a former social employee at Twitter.

10. This poor genius can’t go anywhere without being recognized.

11. And finally, this darkly funny commentary on the way we talk online.