ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire, 22 October 2024 -/African Media Agency (AMA)/- The African Forum on the Environment in Extractive Industries (FAFEIX) aims to encourage constructive debate, foster strategic partnerships, and encourage practical actions for the more sustainable and inclusive use of natural resources on the African continent.

Organised by AEIE (Agir pour l’Environnement dans les Industries Extractives), FAFEIX is a unique opportunity to bring together key stakeholders – government representatives, companies, civil society, researchers and experts – to discuss the challenges and opportunities inherent in the environmental and social management of the extractive industries in Africa. Committed to being a force for positive change, this event is resolutely focused on promoting green economic growth. “Our goal is to be a source of expertise for the redevelopment of extractive sites, and to promote environmental and social practices within the African extractive sector,” explains Mr Bohoussou Kouakou Raymond, President of AEIE.

“Africa has vast mineral and energy resources. Like many countries on the continent, Côte d’Ivoire has enormous potential. Oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, iron, bauxite and cobalt are at the heart of our economy,”; explains Mr. Bohoussou Kouakou Raymond, President of AEIE. These substantial mineral reserves make Côte d’Ivoire a fertile ground for exploration and mining, as demonstrated by the recent discovery of a major world-class gold deposit in the north-west of the country. It is one of the main levers of growth in countries, providing substantial revenue to governments, as well as creating jobs at the national and local level.

“Africa has vast mineral and energy resources. Like many countries on the continent, Côte d’Ivoire

has enormous potential. Oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, iron, bauxite and cobalt are at the heart of our economy, ” explains Mr. Bohoussou Kouakou Raymond, President of AEIE. These substantial mineral reserves make Côte d’Ivoire a fertile ground for exploration and mining, as demonstrated by the recent discovery of a major world-class gold deposit in the north-west of the country. It is one of the main levers of growth in countries, providing substantial revenue to governments, as well as creating jobs at the national and local level.

In Côte d’Ivoire, according to the Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy, mining companies generated cumulative sales of 1,154 billion FCFA in 2021 with an investment volume of 197 billion FCFA. This enabled the State to collect tax revenues totalling 227 billion FCFA. However, the boom in the mining industry is not without consequences for the environment.

The impact of mineral extraction on the environment is not limited to the direct consequences on water sources and the land, but must also take into account greenhouse gas emissions generated by this activity. “Massive deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water pollution, soil degradation and impacts on the health of local populations are all too common in mining areas. Added to this are greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, a major global challenge,” warns Mr Bohoussou Kouakou Raymond.

Given these realities, “We want to create a framework for discussion and practical solutions to the challenges and opportunities presented by the redevelopment of mining sites in Africa,” he adds.

From 19 to 21 February 2025, FAFEIX participants will have the opportunity to address several

key themes:

  • the regulatory framework for the redevelopment of mining sites in Africa;
  • technological innovations and best practices in this field;
  • the crucial role of young people and women in the redevelopment of mining sites;
  • managing mine waste and residue; and
  • how redeveloping mining sites can contribute to combating climate change.

In addition to talks and round tables, FAFEIX will be hosting training workshops to strengthen the skills of those involved in the sector, as well as hosting exhibitions designed to highlight the most innovative initiatives. It will conclude with an award ceremony to honour the best practitioners in the field of environmental protection in the mining industries. Also on the programme is a site visit to illustrate the challenges and solutions involved in mine redevelopment projects.

Distributed by .African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of l’ONG Agir pour l’Environnement.

Media contacts and accreditations:
OPENN Africa Côte d’Ivoire
Tel: (+225) 07 89 13 12 97 | +1 (367) 331-2025

For more information, please contact (Partnerships) AEIE
Tel: (+225)0759060695|(+225)0709902192
Website: www.fafeix.com
Email: info@fafeix.com

About (AEIE)
Agir pour l‘Environnement dans les Industries Extractives (AEIE) is a non-governmental organisation created on 29 June 2020 in accordance with law N°60-315 of 21 September 1960.

AEIE is recognised by receipt of declaration (No. 0920/PA dated 29 June 2020) issued by the Ministry of the Interior. Aware of the advanced state of environmental degradation on gold panning sites, the NGO was born out of the desire of young engineers and experts to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in line with the National Development Plan (NDP).

It works with other organisations and stakeholders to tackle environmental challenges. AEIE is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability in the extractive industries.

Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of the NGO Agir pour l’Environnement.

The post Launch of FAFEIX, the first forum on the redevelopment of mining sites in Africa from 19 to 21 February 2025 in Yamoussoukro appeared first on African Media Agency.