Colin Jost sits at desk with world map behind him. Next to him is a thumbnail of Donald Trump

In this week’s recap of the news, the Weekend Update tackles former President Donald Trump’s 14-page letter in response to being subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee. Host Colin Jost likened the letter to the Unabomber’s manifesto and compared it to a victorian love letter.

« My favorite part of Trump’s letter is the beginning, » Jost says. « Because it’s on really nice letterhead, it starts ‘Dear Chairman Thompson,’ and then the first line is just screaming. »

In other news covered, host Michael Che mentions Nancy Pelosi gleefully pronouncing that she’s willing to go to jail if she could punch Trump, which Che assumes is because « she owns stock in private prisons. »

Finally, to end the misery of unhinged news, Jost covers Elon Musk who tweeted out his response to Kanye’s anti-semitic tweets on Twitter. Jost quipped that if there’s one thing we can trust Musk with « it’s successfully reading another human being’s emotional cues. »